Thursday, July 23, 2009

Neo Rauch

Die Fuge
Oil on canvas



Oil on canvas
I came across Neo Rauch and found him pertinent to my blog and also quite interesting. I see that in his work he sends a gamut of underlying and hidden messages regarding the cold war, communism, tensions between east and west germany and politics. I liked his Paranoia painting as it successfully captured that feeling. The tension of the people, the uncertainty in the poise and position. They appear to be planning but are vigilant of the outside which has disturbed them. I also find that the colors create this tense atmoshphere and shape the uneasiness that exists. The birhgt colors of yellow, green and light blue contrast with the dark color of the door which creates a balance among the two sides, even though the door is only a minimal part of the painting. Thus, it is called paranoia, the smallest things can sometimes create the greatest fear.

The second piece, titled Die Fuge, is a powerful piece. Translated (not sure about this) Die Fuge means music or a music composition principle. I am having some trouble concluding what this painting is exactly about but I presume that Neo Rauch reveals the conflict and distress of authorotative production. It seems that the men in red are causing a lot of the conflict in the scene and are physically ripping the earth apart. Perhaps Rauch wants the viewer to see how any authority figure can destroy a beautiful landscape.

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